Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeClimateWhat about GWP*?

What about GWP*?

The different atmospheric lifetimes of the different greenhouse gases have important implications for climate mitigations. For example, if you were to emit 1 tonne of COâ‚‚ every year in perpetuity, the amount of COâ‚‚ in the atmosphere would continue to rise. That’s not the case, though, for short-lived climate forcers like CHâ‚„.

Think of methane in the atmosphere as a Ferris wheel. When you first open the gate and begin ushering people onto the chairs, the total number of people on the wheel rises. After a while, though, the number of people getting off equals the number of people getting on and the total number of people on the wheel remains constant. For methane, the Ferris wheel fills up after a few decades of emissions.

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